Magpie's Nest Magpie 까치 is one of the most favorite birds of Korea. You can find many magpie's nests in Korea. Sights 2008.12.30
Merry Christmas, Everyone! May all of you get happiness today! And get some deilcious cake, too. :) PS. Sorry Khloud, I can't be in Myeong Dong today. Sights 2008.12.24
Until AM 02:00 You can buy anything until AM 02:00 during December 22nd - 24st, the Sale for Christmas. :) Sights 2008.12.21
Jang Dok 장독 These dark brown colored jar is called Jang Dok 장독, which means for crock of soy sauce. Although we don't made soy sauce by our own nowadays, some classic restaurants and people who preserve their tradition still keep their Jand Dok. Sights 2008.12.18
Stars for the Stage While I was watching the show, it ocurred to me that the lights on the ceiling look like stars of dark sky. Sights 2008.12.12